How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your paid subscription in the billing menu.

Note that your subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing term for which you have already paid,
and your subscription will be then downgraded to the free forever plan.

If you have faced any issues with your Socital account or need any help in making the most out of Socital reach out at We're happy to help!

Log into your Socital account.
Click on your avatar on the top right corner.

Click on "Billing".

Click on "cancel my subscription" on the bottom right corner of the billing menu page.

If you're sure you want to cancel your subscription, confirm by clicking on "Cancel Subscription" in the confirmation dialogue.

Hold tight while we are updating your subscription.

Your subscription is scheduled to be updated to the free plan at end of your current billing term.

 If you have any questions about canceling your paid subscription email us at

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