Submit your Facebook App for review for extended permissions

To get access to extended permissions through the Facebook login on your onsite campaigns, such as user_gender and user_likes you need to submit your Facebook app for review.

Note that with Socital's proprietary algorithms you already get a gender estimation for 60-70% of your subscribers.

For detailed instructions and information on the Facebook App Review process, please review the guidelines at the Facebook Developers Platform here.

Before submitting

App Details:
  1. Logo: 1024 x 1024 pixel high-resolution image for your App.
  2. Long Description: Explanation of what your App does and why you need the functionality going through review.
  3. Privacy Policy: An accessible website URL that hosts your privacy policy.
Status and Review:
  1. General instructions of what your App does.
  2. Individual notes on each of the additional requested permissions.
  3. Step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce that experience when testing your App.
  4. At least 4 screenshots or a screencast of your in-app experience.

Note:  Providing a detailed screencast and clear instructions will result in a quicker evaluation of your submission.

Submitting for review

To submit your App for review make sure you read all Facebook’s guidelines and once this is done, click the “Start a Submission” button.

After submitting

Your App will be reviewed by Facebook and you will be notified when a submission is made, approved, or returned for changes, through developer alert.

The time to review your App is usually about 7 business days. Some extra-sensitive permissions can take up to 14 business days.

Permissions That Do Not Require Review

  1. Public Profile: Includes some basic attributes, which are part of a person’s public profile on Facebook.
  2. Email address.
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