On the Socital platform, apart from viewing the overall data of a Custom Audience, you can also access the personal profile of any individual customer!
Why is this awesome?
Knowing what your customer is like allows you to target him on a 1:1 level. Literally! Do you have a new product coming in that you know he’s been waiting for? Make a campaign specially designed for him!
What information can I see on a customer profile?
Here’s all the information you can see on the profile of an individual customer:
Profile Information
Name: The customer’s name, as stated on his Social Network profile.
Social Network Provider: The Social Network platform that the customer used to connect with you.
Profile Picture: The profile picture retrieved from the customer’s Social Media profile.
Influence Level: How influential the customer is on his Social Network. Influence is estimated according the customer’s number of connections. The more connections, the more influential the user.
The customer’s description from his Twitter or LinkedIn profile.
Basic Information
Email: The verified email address that the customer uses to log in to his Social Media account.
Location: The customer’s place of residence or hometown.
English Speaker: Whether the customer is an English speaker or not.
Languages: The languages that the customer can speak.
Contact Information
Facebook Profile: The URL of the customer’s Facebook profile.
LinkedIn Profile: The URL of the customer’s LinkedIn profile.
Twitter Profile: The URL of the customer’s Twitter profile.
URL: Other related website addresses retrieved from the customer’s summaries, like blogs or personal websites.
Social Network Activity
Connections: The customer’s number of LinkedIn connections.
Facebook: The customer’s number of Facebook friends.
Followers: The customer’s number of Twitter followers.
Following: The number of profiles the customer is following on Twitter.
Acquisition Date: The date that the customer connected with you through a Socital Plugin.
The E-commerce Data Fields are available for clients that use Magento as their E-commerce platform and have used Socital’s Magento Integration to import their customers’ E-commerce Data.
E-commerce: Shows if the user is Repeat Buyer, One-Time Buyer or Non-Buyer.
Registered Eshop User: Shows if the user is registered in your Eshop or not.
Number of Orders: The number or orders that the user has placed on your Eshop.
Total Orders Value: The total value of all the orders the user has placed on your Eshop.
Avg Order Value: The average value of all the orders the user has placed on you Eshop.
Latest Order Value: The value of the user’s last order on your Eshop.
Latest Order Date: The date that the user placed their last order on your Eshop.