For Social Login to work on your site, you need to set up a dedicated Application in each of the social networks you wish to use as a Social Login provider.


1) Create your Twitter App


Below  you can find step-by-step instructions to set up and configure an Application for Twitter.


Do you already have a registered App in Twitter Developers’ platform that you will use for Facebook Login? Go directly to the next step to Connect your Twitter App.


Step 1. Create a new Twitter App

1. Login to your Twitter Account.

2. Add your mobile phone to your Twitter Account and follow the verification process before proceeding to Twitter App creation (Twitter requires this for better safety of your account and App).


Mobile phone on Twitter


3. Go to Twitter Application Management Page.

4. Fill in your application name, description and website address under “Create an application”.

5. Insert Socital’s Callback URL ( in the respective field.

6. Read the “Developer Agreement” and check the “Yes, I agree” checkbox.

7. Click the “Create your Twitter application” button.

Twitter Callback



Step 2: Configure your new App

8. Go to the Settings tab.

9. Add your Privacy Policy and Terms of Service URL in the respective fields.

10. Make sure “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter” box is checked.

Twitter Application Details

10. Upload your application icon (75×75 pixels, 700k max., JPG, GIF or PNG only). If no icon is uploaded Twitter will show its own logo.

11. Add your Company Name and Company Website at “Organization Name” and “Organization Website” fields respectively.

12. Click “Update Settings”.

Twitter Update Settings

13. Click on the “Permissions” tab and you will see the “Access” Settings.

14. Under “Access”, choose “Read only” if you are only using Twitter for sign-on purposes, or choose “Read and Write” if you will be sharing to Twitter.

15. Click the “Update Settings” button.

Twitter Permissions



2) Connect your Twitter App with your Socital Account


To allow Socital to connect to Twitter on your behalf, to extract User Data, authenticate users and offer its other services to you, you need to connect to your Socital Account the Twitter app which you are using for Twitter Login.

Step 1: Get your Twitter App ID and App Secret

1. Go to Twitter Applications Management.

2. Login to your Twitter account.

3. Select the App that you have created for Twitter Login.

Select Twitter App

4. Go to the “Keys and Access Tokens” tab. There you can see the App Secret and the App ID.

Twitter App Secret and ID

5. Click the “Create my Access Token” button to generate your Twitter App’s Access Token.

Twitter App Access Token

Step 2: Add your Twitter App ID and App Secret to your Socital Account

6. Login to your Socital Dashboard.

7. Open the drop-down menu in the top right corner and choose “Account Settings”.

Socital dashboard

Open Account Settings

8. From the left-hand menu open the “Connect Social Apps” tab.

connect social apps

9. Click on “Connect a Twitter Application”.

Connect a Twitter App

10. In the pop-up enter your Twitter Application Name in the “Application Name” field, your Twitter Consumer Key (API Key) in the “Application Key” field, your Twitter Consumer Secret (API Secret) in the “Application Secret” field, your Access Token in the “Twitter Access Token” field and your Access Token Secret to the “Twitter Access Secret” and click on “Connect”.

Connect your Twitter App

11. You should see a Success message in the popup.

Twitter Success Message

12. You can now see the connected Twitter App in the list of your Connected Social Media apps.

Connected Twitter App