Through your Socital Dashboard you can Delete, Edit and Duplicate your Plugins.
If this is not what you came here looking for, choose from the links below.
Delete a Plugin
By deleting a plugin, you are permanently removing the plugin from your Socital account.
1. Login to your Socital Account and go to “Data Collect”.
2. Click on “Plugins” on the left-hand menu.
3. Find and click the type of Plugin you want to delete.
4. Find the Plugin you want to delete and click on the trash icon on the bottom right corner.
5. Click “Delete” on the popup that appears.
6. Click “Close”.
7. Go to the HTML code of your website and remove the code of the plugin.
8. Your Plugin has been deleted.
Edit a Plugin
1. Login to your Socital Account and go to “Data Collect”.
2. Click on “Plugins” on the left-hand menu.
3. Find and click the type of Plugin you want to edit.
4. Find the Plugin you want to edit and click on the edit icon on the bottom left corner.
5. You will be redirected to the Plugin Builder where you can make the changes you want on your Plugin.
To find out how to edit your Plugin read our guide here.
6. When you are done editing your Plugin click “Save” on the left-hand menu.
7. Your Plugin has been edited!
Duplicate a Plugin
1. Login to your Socital Account and go to “Data Collect”.
2. Click on “Plugins” on the left-hand menu.
3. Find and click the type of Plugin you want to duplicate.
4. Find the Plugin you want to duplicate and click on the copy icon on the bottom.
5. Name your new Plugin and click on “Duplicate”.
6. Your Plugin has been duplicated!