

Socital’s plugins are specifically designed to boost your lead generation efforts and help you collect rich identities for your customers.

In this guide we will walk you through the specific functionalities of each one of our plugins, and the engagement points that they are designed for. Here you can also find the specific settings you can edit on top of the general configuration options that apply to every plugin.


Socital offers five different plugin types for various engagement points:


1. Contact Form

2. Newsletter Subscription

3. Download File

4. Discount Coupon

5. Survey Form




Interact with your visitors with socially gated contact forms.




Socital’s Contact Form Plugin allows your visitors to send you messages by connecting through a Social Network. The Contact Form consists of a Subject Line and a Message Field.


Both Text fields are displayed to your visitors, and they will have to fill in both fields in order to proceed and connect with you.


Apart from the title and subtitle, you are also able to edit:

  1. The Input Labels (what is written above the input field)
  2. The Input Placeholders (what is written inside the input field)




Grow your mailing list with socially gated newsletter subscription plugins.

Socital’s Newsletter  Subscription allows your visitors to subscribe to your mailing list by connecting with a Social Network Profile.The Newsletter plugin is an excellent way to grow your mailing list fast and at the same time capture rich identity data.



Amplify your lead generation efforts with socially gated content.

Through the Download File Plugin, your visitors will be able to download content by connecting with their Social Network Profile.

During the Setup of the plugin, you will be required to enter the URL of the file that will be available for downloading. After the visitor has successfully connected with you, the file will automatically begin to download.



Increase your conversion rates with socially gated discount coupons.

With the Discount Coupon Plugin, your visitors can connect with you and receive a discount for their purchases. There are two ways your visitor can receive his discount code:

  1. The code will be displayed in the success message, which you can edit in the Plugin Builder.
  2. The code will be displayed in a page of your website to which you can redirect visitors to after successfully connecting through the Plugin. You can set the Success Redirect URL in the Plugin Builder.



Engage with your visitors with socially gated survey forms.

The Survey Plugin allows your visitors to connect with you by answering one or more questions. You can add as many question fields as you want, and your visitors are required to input text in all fields in order to proceed and connect with you.


Apart from the title and subtitle, you are also able to edit:

  1. The Input Labels (what is written above the input field)
  2. The Input Placeholders (what is written inside the input field)


The answers that your visitors input in the Survey Plugin are displayed in their individual profiles in the Users List, but you can also export them as a CSV file.