You can now personalize the messages that you send through Mandrill every time a visitor subscribes to a Socital Plugin.


You can personalize the emails, by adding the recipient’s Name or Email address as dynamic content in your Mandrill Template or you can use the recipient’s Gender or Location as a rule for displaying content.

Personalize with Dynamic Content


To add the recipient’s Name, Email address and other fields in the Email, simply go to the HTML code of your template and add the relevant Socital fields as Handlebars.

  • {{socital_email}}:  recipient’s email
  • {{socital_fullname}}: recipient’s full name
  • {{socital_location}}: recipient’s estimated location


Here’s a simple example of the HTML code and preview screen of an order confirmation email using Socital’s fields:


personalize 2


personalize 1


Personalize with Conditional Content


To display conditional content based on the recipient’s estimated location, gender or English Speaking ability use Mandrill’s Handlebars Conditional Expressions in your Template.
This way you can send different email content for female or male visitors, or display a special offer only to visitors from a specific Location.


You can use the following Socital Fields as Handlebars for Conditional Expressions:

  • socital_location: recipient’s estimated location.
  • socital_gender: recipient’s estimated gender as Male, Female or Unknown.
  • socital_isEnglishSpeaker: recipients estimated English Speaking ability as Yes for English Speakers or No for non-English Speakers and Unknown.


For example, to create a condition based on Gender, add in your Template’s HTML:


{{#if `socital_gender == "Male"`}}

Click here for offers on our Men’s Collection

{{elseif `socital_gender == "Female"`}}

Click here for offers on our Women’s Collection


Click here for our latest offers


For more help with Handlebars, click here.