Through our Moosend integration, you can easily transfer your customers’ email addresses you have collected from Socital onto Moosend, along with Socital’s extended data fields. Add them to your chosen mailing lists and create personalized email campaigns for your customers. First, follow the simple steps below to connect your Socital Account to your Moosend Account!
Step 1 Get your API key from Moosend
1. Go to Moosend.
2. Login to your account.
3. From the top menu click on “Settings” and then “API Key”.
4. Click on “Copy API Key”.
You can find out more about the Moosend API Key on Moosend’s documentation here.
Step 2 Connect your Socital Account with Moosend
1. Login to your Socital Account.
2. Open the drop-down menu in the top right corner and choose “Account Settings”.
3. From the left-hand menu open the “Integrations” tab.
4. Click on “Moosend” logo to connect your Moosend account.
5. Enter your Moosend App Name and API key and click on “Connect”.
*In the Application Name field you can enter whatever name you choose so you can recognize the App internally.
6. If your connection is successful, your button will turn to “Connected”.
* You can either proceed to the next step and set-up your Moosend list custom fields or choose to do this later.
Step 3 Set up your Socital-Moosend Integration
1. A window with the details of your Moosend account, as long as your existing Moosend lists will appear. A sign next to the list name indicates that you haven’t selected any Socital fields to be exported to Moosend and therefore only users’ email addresses will be sent to your Moosend list.
2. By clicking on the settings icon, you can configure the Socital data sets that you will be exporting to the specific Moosend list. For multiple Moosend lists, you will have to configure them one-by-one.
Note: in order to be able to actually send Socital data to Moosend, you will have to either Sync a Socital Plugin with a Moosend list or conduct a manual Export to a Moosend list of your choice.
3. Once you click on the settings icon, a Pop-up with all the available Socital Data sets you can possibly export to your Moosend list will open. Switch between our different Data Set Categories, choose the data you wish and click on the “Save” button.
Note: Please make sure that you do not exceed the limit of the Custom fields you can add to your Moosend account.
Tip: Make sure that the data sets you choose to export to your Moosend list are the ones you will then use to segment your lists or personalize your newsletters with. Take a look at the Socital Fields you can export to Moosend along with their field types and values.
4. Success! You can now see the number of Socital fields you will be exporting to your Moosend list.
Note: You will be able to return to your Account Settings anytime and add or remove Socital fields. If you remove a field you were previously exporting to Moosend, this will not permanently remove the field itself from your Moosend list- it will just stop exporting the specific data. Same goes if you, at some point, choose to add a new Socital field- it will start exporting data from the time you add it and on. In case you want to export your previously obtained users’ data, you will have to manually export them to your Moosend list. Please see our instructions here on how to manually export a Custom Audience to Moosend.
5. In case you have already created your first Lead Capture on-site campaigns, you can move to the next step and connect your Moosend list with your Socital campaign in order to have your subscribers’ data sync in real-time with your Moosend list.
You can still do this later through our campaign editor as well.
Instructions here.