You can now personalize the web experience of your online visitors – and increase your conversion rates – by adding Gender-Based Recommendations to your Socital Plugins!
Once a visitor successfully connects on a Socital Plugin, he is shown a Call-to-Action or Recommendation based on his Gender next to the Success message.
By activating Socital Recommendations on your Socital Plugin, you can specify a different Image and Click-through URL to be shown to visitors identified as Male, Female or of Unknown Gender.
This feature works for visitors connecting through Facebook.
If you add more Social Networks other than Facebook on the same Plugin or the simple Email sign up option, then visitors connecting through these other options will be shown the “Generic” (Unkwown) Gender Call-to-Action on the Success Screen.
Note: Socital estimates Gender for visitors and customers from these other sources, but this Gender estimation is not yet available for use in the “Recommendations” feature.
Activate Recommendations on your Socital Plugins
1.Open the Plugin Editor
Select the plugin that you want to add a Recommendation from the “Data Collect” page and click on “Edit”.
2. Navigate to the “Success” section of the Editor
Go to the “Success” Tab from the left-hand menu.
3. Add Success Message
Select “Show Success Message” and fill in the Success Message and Title that you want to be displayed.
Switch the Preview to display the Success Screen, by clicking “Successful Submission” at the bottom of the preview area.
4. Activate Recommendations
Scroll down and click on the “Activate” button next to the Gender Recommendations area.
5. Add a Recommendation for each Gender
There are three different options presented – “Male”, “Female” and “Generic”.
For each of these options, add:
- the relevant Image URL containing the Call-to-Action or Recommendation.
- the Click-through URL. This is the URL to which the visitor will be re-directed to when clicking on the displayed Image.
Add an Image URL and Click-through URL for visitors identified as Male.
Add an Image URL and Click-through URL for visitors identified as Female.
Add an Image URL and Click-through URL for visitors whose Gender has not been identified for the Recommendations feature.
Once you set-up all the recommendations, don’t forget to click on “Done”.
To switch between the Preview of the Success Screen for Male, Female or Generic Gender visitors,
use the action button at the top left corner of the Preview area.
Switch the Preview to see how the Success Screen will look like for each Gender.
6. Edit or Deactivate your Recommendations
Once your Recommendations are added to your plugin, you can Edit by clicking on the Action button next to the respective gender you want to perform changes for or Deactivate Gender-based recommendations from your plugin.
7. Save changes
Don’t forget to click on “Save”!