Socital’s Plugin Builder allows you to easily create and configure plugins for your website.

In this guide we will walk you through creating a new Plugin as well as the basic configuration options.


If you are looking for more information on Socital’s Plugin types, how to Install Socital on your website, or how to Manage or Activate Plugins, follow the links below.

Create a New Plugin


Login to your Socital Account and go to “Data Collect”. On the Data Collect page you can see all the different types of plugins that Socital offers.




  • Contact Form Plugin: Interact with your visitors with socially gated contact forms.
  • Newsletter Subscription Plugin: Grow your mailing list with socially gated newsletter subscription plugins.
  • Download File Plugin: Amplify your lead generation efforts with socially gated content.
  • Discount Coupon Plugin: Increase your conversion rates with socially gated discount coupons.
  • Survey Form Plugin: Engage your visitors with socially gated survey forms.


Find out more about the different functionalities of each plugin here.


To create a new Plugin, click on the “Add New” icon on the bottom right corner of the Plugin type you chose.




The Plugin Builder is divided into the following areas:



Plugin Type: On the upper left corner you can see the Plugin Type.


Configuration Panel: On the left part of your screen you will see the Configuration Panel. The Configuration Panel is where you will see all the different configuration options while creating your plugin.


Navigation Bar:  Navigate through Setup, Design & Content, Success, Behavior and Targeting tabs.


Preview Screen: On the right is the preview screen. Here you can see a live preview of your Plugin while editing.



On the bottom of the preview screen, you can switch between different screen sizes and between the Initial and Success Screens of your Plugin. The Success Screen will be displayed to your visitors once they have successfully connected through the Plugin.


Save & Exit: On the bottom left corner of the Builder you can save your Plugin and return to the Data Collect page. If you Exit without Saving then all changes will be lost.


Note that even after you save it, the Plugin will not be visible on your website until you Install the Socital Code (you need to do this only once) and Activate the new Plugin from your Dashboard.


Setup your Plugin

Select Identity Providers, add engaging text and activate Integrations.




On the “Setup” tab, you will find the basic configuration options for your plugin. These options are necessary for your plugin to work properly and collect customer identities. On the Setup tab you will be able to:


1. Choose display mode


a) Popup: A popup that is displayed based on triggers and targeting rules.

b) Inline: The Plugin is displayed inline with your content.

c) Button Popup: a button is displayed inline with your content. Once the button is clicked a popup opens.

d) Slide Up: The plugin “slides up” from the bottom of the screen when a visitor enters your page. You can choose to display the plugin on the bottom left or bottom right side of the screen.

e) Scroll Box: A discrete popup will appear at the bottom right or bottom left corner of your visitor’s screen. The popup does not disrupt the visitor’s experience as she can still scroll and interact with the rest of the page.


Choose a template for your plugin

At the moment Socital offers the following templates:

a) Simple: this is our basic template that allows you to add a background image.

b) Showcase: with this template, you can add an image to the side of your plugin. You can choose whether you want the image to be displayed on the right or left side of the plugin.


2. Add the Social Media Identity Providers that your visitors will connect with.


a) Facebook: With 1.5 billion users, Facebook is a rich Identity data pool and one of the most recognized Social Networks.

b) LinkedIn: LinkedIn, one of the largest professional Social Networks, is a great option when targeting professionals.

c) Google+: Google+ is the most popular Identity Provider for B2B companies.

d) Twitter: with 317 million monthly active users, Twitter is one of the most popular Social Networks worldwide.

c) Email: You can also add the option for your visitors to connect by adding only their email address.

Note that the identity data captured through the Email option are not as rich as when connecting with a Social Network Profile.


3. Add engaging text that will capture your visitors’ attention by editing the Title and Subtitle of your Plugin.


4. Connect the Plugin with third-party platforms and automatically sync captured customer identities.


Socital allows you to easily sync your plugin with your Email Marketing Tools and automatically export your customer identities, send automated email flows and much more with just one click! Find out more about our integrations with Mailchimp, Moosend and Mandrill


5. Activate email notifications to receive an email every time a visitor connects with you through the plugin.



Configure the Design & Content of your Plugin

On the Plugin Builder, Socital allows you to configure the Design & Content of your plugin. This way you can create plugins with beautiful visuals and engaging copy that will grab your visitors’ attention and increase your conversion.

To configure the appearance of your plugin, go to the “Design & Content” tab of the Plugin Builder.

On the “Design & Content” tab you can:

  • Choose the size of your plugin between “Wide” and “Narrow”.
  • Style up your plugin with a background image of your choice by adding the image URL or uploading the desired image.
  • Add and edit the text of the opt-in and opt-out disclaimers.
  • Add the URL of your privacy policy.
  • Edit the fonts and font colors of the text that appears on the plugin.
  • Edit the call-to-action on the Identity Provider button of your plugin.
  • Edit the background color and the background color transparency.
  • Edit the overlay color and the overlay color opacity.


You can also add your own CSS for more advanced styling of your plugin. However, we encourage you to add your own code only if you have advanced coding knowledge. The changes you make may conflict with the default template code and we can’t guarantee its functionality.


Note: Don’t forget to click on “Save” on the left-hand menu before exiting the builder after making any changes!





After you have created your plugin, don’t forget to click on “Save” on the left-hand menu before exiting the builder.





Don’t forget to activate the Plugin in order for it to be visible on your website. To learn how to Activate your Socital Plugin read our guide here

However, these are only the basic configuration options that are needed to make your plugin work on your website. Socital offers extended configuration options that allow you to create unique plugins to match your every marketing need:



To configure the Success Message of your plugin, read our article here.


To choose the actions that trigger your plugin, read our article here. (Keep in mind that triggers don’t apply to inline and popup button plugins!)


To choose which visitors to target with your plugin, read our article here.