Socital’s Targeting Rules allow you to choose on which pages of your site you want to show your plugin, and to which visitors. To configure your plugin’s Targeting Rules, simply go to the “Targeting” tab of the Plugin Builder.
These rules don’t apply to inline plugins or popup buttons as they are always displayed within the content of your page.
Socital offers the following Targeting Rules:
1. Show on specified pages only
The Plugin will appear only on specific pages of your website. You can add as many pages as you want or groups of pages. You specify the page by adding the URL slug of the page. To use this targeting rule, select “Show on specified pages only” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add this rule. A field will appear where you can add the specific pages where you want your plugin to be displayed.
For example,
- To show the plugin only at page, you need to enter /products in the URL field.
- To show the plugin only at, you will have to enter /products/woman in the URL field.
You can also set a group of pages with one targeting rule.
For example, if you want your popup to appear in all product pages that are under, then you will enter /products/woman/* in the URL field.
2. Hide on specified pages only
The Plugin will be hidden on specific pages of your website. You can add as many pages as you want or groups of pages. You specify the page by adding the URL slug of the page.
To use this targeting rule, select “Hide on specified pages only” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule. A field will appear where you can add the specific pages where you want your plugin not to be displayed.
For example,
- To hide the plugin only at page, you need to enter /products in the URL field.
- To hide the plugin only at, you will have to enter /products/woman in the URL field.
You can also set a group of pages with one targeting rule.
For example, if you want your popup to hide in all product pages that are under, then you will enter /products/woman/* in the URL field.
3. Show to Returning Visitors
The plugin will appear only to returning visitors on your website. A returning visitor is considered a visitor that has visited any page of your website at least once after you first installed your Socital script on your website.
To use this targeting rule, select “Show to Returning Visitors” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule.
Note that if the visitor has deleted the cookies in his browser, he will be recognized as a New Visitor.
4. Show to New Visitors
The plugin will appear only to new visitors on your website. A new visitor is a visitor that has not yet visited any page of your website after you first installed your Socital script on your website.
To use this targeting rule, select “Show to New Visitors” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule.
Note that if the visitor has deleted the cookies in his browser, he will be recognized as a New Visitor.
5. Show on Mobile Devices only
The plugin will appear only to visitors that are browsing your website through a Mobile Device. To use this targeting rule, select “Show on Mobile Devices only” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule.
6. Show on Desktop Devices only
The plugin will appear only to visitors that are browsing your website from a Desktop Device. To use this targeting rule, select “Show on Desktop Devices only” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule.
7. Show to Visitors coming from a Referrer Domain
The plugin will be shown only to Visitors that have arrived from a specific domain to your web page where the plugin is active. For example, you can set up a Plugin to appear only to visitors coming to your web page directly from Facebook by adding in the targeting rule.
To use this targeting rule, select “Show to Visitors coming from a Referrer Domain” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule. A field will appear where you can add the Referrer Domain.
Note: the Referrer Domain you enter should be in the format https://www.domain…
8. Hide to Visitors coming from a Referrer Domain
The plugin will be hidden to Visitors that have arrived from a specific domain to your web page where the plugin is active. For example, you can set up a Plugin to hide to visitors coming to your web page directly from Facebook by adding in the targeting rule.
To use this targeting rule, select “Hide to Visitors coming from a Referrer Domain” from the drop-down list. Then click on the + icon on the right to add the rule. A field will appear where you can add the Referrer Domain.
Note: the Referrer Domain you enter should be in the format https://www.domain…
Don’t forget to click on “Save” on the left-hand menu before exiting the builder after making any changes!