Through our Emarsys integration, you can easily transfer your customers’ email addresses you have collected from Socital onto Emarsys, along with Socital’s extended data fields. Add them to your chosen mailing lists and create personalized email campaigns for your customers. First, follow the simple steps below to connect your Socital Account to your Emarsys Account!
Step 1 Get your API key from Emarsys
1. Go to Emarsys.
2. Login to your account.
3. From the Admin menu, visit the “API Users” tab under Security Settings.
Note: You will need to be an Account Owner to be able to perform this task. For more info on your Account’s API key, please touch base with your Emarsys Account Manager.
4. Create an API user and copy the API key (or ask this directly from your Emarsys Account Manager).
You can find out more about the Emarsys API Key on Emarsys’s documentation here.
Step 2 Connect your Socital Account with Emarsys
1. Login to your Socital Account.
2. Open the drop-down menu in the top right corner and choose “Account Settings”.
3. From the left-hand menu open the “Integrations” tab.
4. Click on “Connect an Emarsys account”.
5. In the pop-up enter your Emarsys App Name, Emarsys Username and API key and click on “Connect”. In the Application Name field, you can enter whatever name you choose so you can recognize the App internally.
6. A Success Message will appear.
7. In a few seconds, you will be able to see the connected Emarsys account in the list of your Integrations!