Through our Mailchimp integration, you can easily export your customers’ profiles with all their aggregated data to your Mailchimp lists!

We have gathered in the table below all the Socital fields you could export to Mailchimp along with their available values to help you better setup your segments and email campaigns!



Field Name When is it exported? Field type and options Values
Email address Exported by default
Full Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Gender Optional radio – options: { choices: [‘Male’, ‘Female’] } Male, Female
Age Optional text – options: { size: 25 } up to 18

18 to 25

25 to 35

35 to 45

45 to 55

55 to 65

over 65

Location Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Influence Score Optional text – options: { size: 25 } Low, Medium, High, Very High
Spending Capacity Optional text – options: { size: 25 } Low, Medium, High, Very High
Reach Optional text – options: { size: 25 } Low, Medium, High, Very High
First Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Normalized First Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Address by First Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Formal First Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Last Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Normalized Last Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Address by Last Name Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Languages Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
English Speaker Optional radio – options: { choices: [‘Yes’, ‘Unknown’] } Yes
FB Friends Optional number
Twitter Followers Optional number
LinkedIn Connections Optional number
Providers Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Source Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Acquisition Date Optional date – options: { date_format: ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ }
Acquisition Time Optional number
Number of Logins Optional number
New/Returning User Optional radio – options: { choices: [‘No interactions’, ‘New User’, ‘Returning User’] } No interactions

New User

Returning User

Referring Domain Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Campaign Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Acquisition Domain Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Acquisition Page Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Timezone Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Device Type Optional text – options: { size: 25 } Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Is Professional Email Optional radio – options: { choices: [‘Yes’, ‘No’] } Yes, No
Email Provider Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Browser Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Operating System Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Top Interests Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Locations Of Interest Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Survey Answers Optional text – options: { size: 200 }
Job Title Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Company Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
Industry Optional text – options: { size: 25 }
E-commerce Optional text – options: { size: 25 } Not a buyer

One time buyer

Repeat buyer

Registered E-shop User Optional radio – options: { choices: [‘Yes’, ‘No’] } Yes, No
Total Number of Orders Optional number
Total Order Value Optional number
Avg Order Value Optional number
Latest Order Value Optional number
Latest Order Date Optional date – options: { date_format: ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ }
ProductIDs Optional text – options: { size: 25 }