You can now personalize the web experience of your online visitors – and increase your conversion rates – by adding Personalized Recommendations to your Socital Plugins based on what your visitors like on Facebook!


Once a visitor successfully connects on a Socital Plugin, he is shown a Call-to-Action or Recommendation based on the pages he/she likes on Facebook next to the Success message.


Rule 1: Likes cosmetics lines or follows beauty blogs  (MacCosmetics, Seventeen Cosmetics, Beautymaniacgr..)

Rec Beauty

Rule 2: Likes Adidas Brand

Rec Adidas

Rule 3: Likes other sportswear brands (Nike, rebook..)

Rec Gymwear

Rule 4: Likes cooking related pages (thechef, cookinglight, mrcookingpanda..)

Rec Cooking


By activating Socital Recommendations on your Socital Plugin, you can specify a different Image and Click-through URL to be shown to visitors based on the different Brands or pages they like on Facebook.

This feature works for visitors connecting through Facebook and for Facebook Apps that have successfully registered for obtaining the User_Likes permission from Facebook.


Do you want to apply for obtaining Facebook’s User_Likes permission? Take a look at Facebooks documentation or contact your Customer Success Agent today at


If you add more Social Networks other than Facebook on the same Plugin or the simple Email sign up option, then visitors connecting through these other options will be shown the “Default” Call-to-Action on the Success Screen.

Activate Recommendations on your Socital Plugins


1. Open the Plugin Editor

Select the plugin that you want to add a Recommendation from the “Data Collect” page and click on “Edit”.


2. Navigate to the “Success” section of the Editor

Go to the “Success” Tab from the left-hand menu.

recommendation 1

3. Add Success Message

Select “Show Success Message” and fill in the Success Message and Title that you want to be displayed.

recommendation 2

Switch the Preview to display the Success Screen, by clicking “Successful Submission” at the bottom of the preview area.

recommendation 6


4. Activate Recommendations

Scroll down and click on the “Activate” button next to the Facebook Likes Recommendations area.


Activate Facebook Likes Recommendations


5. Add a Recommendation for each Product Category you want to recommend

On the Pop-up window that will appear on the right side of your screen, you will be required to add:

  • a Name for each of your Recommendation Rules (this is to internally recognize your recommendation rules and will be not shown to your visitors),
  • the Facebook page screen name*, which the visitor should have liked in order to be presented with the respective recommendation,
  • the relevant Image URL containing the Call-to-Action or Recommendation,
  • the Click-through URL. This is the URL to which the visitor will be re-directed to when clicking on the displayed Image.

Setup likes recommendations


You may add multiple Recommendation Rules by clicking on the “Add Recommendation Rule” button.

Add recommendation rule


Note: in case a visitor has liked pages from 2 or more Recommendation Rules you have set up, then he/she will see the Rule that is displayed FIRST in the plugin builder (or the one that was the last to be added when setting up your recommendation rules).



If a visitor has liked both Adidas AND Mac Cosmetics on Facebook, and you have set up your recommendation rules as below, then he/she would be shown the Cosmetics recommendation.


Prevail Recommendation


6. Add a Default Recommendation for visitors that don’t match any of your other rules


Don’t forget to add an image and a click-through URL under the “Default” category for visitors that won’t match any of your rest recommendation rules.

Note: this recommendation rule is by default named “Default”, so you won’t need to attach a name to it.

Default recs


Once you set-up all the recommendations, don’t forget to click on “Done”.

Click Done Likes recs


6. Add a Default Recommendation for visitors that don’t match any of your other rules


To switch between the Preview of the Success Screen for your different Recommendation Rules,

use the action button at the top left corner of the Preview area.

Change Preview Likes Recs


7. Edit, Delete or Deactivate your Recommendations


You can apply simple actions for your recommendations:

  • by clicking the Screenshot_3 button next to the Rule’s name, the Pop-up with the Recommendation Rules will open and will allow you to perform edits to your rules,
  • by clicking the Screenshot_5 button next to the Rule’s name, you can simply delete the specific Recommendation rule and
  • you can Deactivate all your rules by clicking on the “Deactivate” button.

Edit Delete Deactivate Likes Recs


8. Save changes

Don’t forget to click on “Save”!

Save changes



  1. How can I find a page’s Facebook screen name?

We need to add the Facebook page SCREEN NAME when adding the pages for the recommendation rules.

The Facebook page screen name can be found under the Page’s profile picture or in the page’s URL.


Facebook page screen name


This is what we add to the Recommendation rule (it is not case-sensitive):


Screen name

2. Can I use both Gender and Facebook Likes Recommendations at the same Plugin at the same time?


Yes, you can either use simple Likes Recommendations or a combination of Likes and Gender recommendations in the Socital App.