Socital’s rich lead capturing tools are an excellent way to grow your list of individuals interested in your product or service. Maintaining communication with these individuals is essential in order to turn them into customers. With our Socital-Campaign Monitor integration, you’ll no longer need to think about adding new leads to a marketing campaign. Each new lead is automatically added to the list of your choice!

Export your customer’s profiles!


Through our Campaign Monitor integration you can easily export your customers profiles with all their aggregated data to your Campaign Monitor lists!

Real time Sync!


Through Socital you can sync your Socital Plugin with your lists on Campaign Monitor. This means that every time a customer subscribes through your plugin, he is automatically added to your mailing list, and you don’t have to do a thing!

Target your customers like a pro!


Export your Custom Audiences to your Campaign Monitor lists and target your clients with relevant content, tailored around their profiles.